The Small Business Community Network (SBCN)
As most of you know I am one of the co-founders of the Small Business Community Network (SBCN).
The SBCN was founded in 2003 and we now have a well known brand, credibility and have assisted hundreds of people over the past 16 years.
Always Happy to Help Businesses
We are always happy when a business decides to become a Member, we have different membership packages to suit the brand new business right up to the corporate business.During #Covid19 we knew that in order to help even more businesses, we would open our doors completely free, virtually of course, to all businesses.
We also put membership renewals on hold, because we wanted to ensure that our loyal members could still receive all the membership benefits, complimentary, whilst the pandemic and the lockdown meant it could not be “business as usual”.
We have continued to host our monthly networking events, and special events, and mentoring, completely free, virtually via our Zoom business account. These events have been open to everyone, in order to help as many businesses as possible.

Strong Online Presence
The SBCN knows that creating a strong brand presence, online in particular, but when a business is out and about enjoying in person meetings, is crucial. Being found online easily means your target market will come to you for your products and services.

Virtual events allow all businesses large and small to stay memorable, be in front of your customers, target market and sponsors; to name a few benefits of virtual networking.
Sadly we have seen businesses fold, go out of business, due to #covid19, which again leads back to why we continue to help all businesses, completely free of charge during this terrible time.
Professional Virtual Networking
We have also created a series of YouTube Videos, completely free for everyone to access. You can find these videos on the SBCN YouTube Channel:
These videos offer examples of the correct lighting to use that enables you to share professionally lighted videos/zoom meetings etc.
We also covered backgrounds, camera tips, sound, and of course how you can appear packaged to perfection to your virtual audience. Why not check out the SBCN YouTube Videos?
Inviting Connections Into Your Home via Virtual Networking
When we enjoy a virtual event, meeting, networking, to name a few of the things we do on a daily basis now, we are inviting our connections into our home. But, when enjoying in person meetings before the pandemic, we would present ourselves in a professional manner, and actually promote our brand in a better light. We would not attend a meeting in panamas or a less than professional setting.
What many businesses are forgetting is, there will be a new normal in the future, and that new normal will include in person meetings again. Protect your brand and know how to present yourself in a professional manner, and ensure your brand presence stays memorable.

The Future is The New Normal
Business owners can move forward. You can create your own “new normal”. We invite you to join us and enjoy our virtual events. They are free and you can make new connections or even re-connect with people you know already.
Virtual networking will be around for a long time, you may as well take advantage of the opportunities it offers.
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